Every year we look forward to celebrate Christmas with our family and friends. To some, it is a time to shut down all work and rest or travel. To others, it is a time to visit people and have fun with people they haven’t seen in a long time. All these are great and they really make a colorful season. I do enjoy all of that and I do look forward to them every year.

But when I considered all these, I wondered if these are all what Christmas is all about. For me, the main reason for this celebration is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete essence of Christmas . 25th of December is the accepted birthday celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ and it has been named Christmas. This is the celebration that is honored by Christians.

Jesus is the essence of Christmas for maximum celebration. So as we celebrate, we should remember that it is a time to appreciate God for sending his son for us. Furthermore, it is a time to share God’s goodness and the good news with others.


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  2. Agree! Christmas is the day we commemorate the goodness of our Savior Jesus Christ. Continue to appreciate God's greatness because God is Love!


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