The Path of the Fresh Future

Everybody knows the importance of nutrients given by fruits and vegetables but there's still many children or teens and maybe adults who dislikes them. Why? because of its bad taste. Fruits and vegetables will further extend your life. You will not die if you eat vegetables thus, it makes us stronger and healthier. It maintains your health because they contain minerals and vitamins and other nutrients. It also protects you from any diseases.

"Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon aanihin" Filipinos are proven that they are health conscious
persons. Lot of Filipinos who are obese, overweight or malnourished. Healthy diet is one of the answer to prevent these problem. Eat more vegetables and fruits than those meals that give you cholesterol and bad fats. It is better if that fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables are from your own garden. It has the higher nutrients that the ones that traveled. If you plant  vegetables and fruits in your garden and your kids are the one to help you, it increases the chance that they would love eating vegetables and fruits. It has the higher nutrients if those fruits and vegetables are from your own garden because it gives you the opportunity to lessen the pesticide that they use. It also gives you the opportunity to save money.

As the summary, planting vegetables and fruits from your own garden will offer you higher nutrients. It also give you the chance to reduce the pesticide you will use than other that you buy and it also helps you to save money. Planting in your own garden makes you stronger and healthier because it can also serve as your physical activity. Gardening gives you a real sense of appreciation when you see the bounty of your efforts.


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