A letter for the President

July 9, 2018
President- Republic of the Philippines.
Malacañang Palace- Manila

Dear Mr. President:
               I am a student from Ilocos Sur National High School. Nicole Angela Ragasa is my name and I am 15 years old. This letter I wrote as a plea to you - please listen to the voice of your peers, above all the voice of women. In your statements, it seems that your view of women is very low. They seem to think you are just a few things that have no right and no emotions. Women constitute about half of Filipino society and they come from different   types. Furthermore, various ways are also used to tap their rights- in word, in word, in action, in policies, even in social media. Prostitution. Rape. Pimping. Consequence of men is supposed to dominate society or women are just sexually explicit. We are to work together for the elimination of gender equality and class in our society, it is only appropriate for us to sink into the true state of Philippine society. Study society and create citizens. Above all, promote education that will truly liberate sex, educate men and also women, gay, homosexuals, asexuals, sexually transmitted subjects, and education to and from the masses. We pray for you President that you are always in good health and we pray and support for your progressive changes to the new society and prosperous country of the Philippines. 

Respectfully Yours, 
Nicole Angela Ragasa
Ilocos Sur National High School


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