Without Teachers Life Would Have No Class

Teacher’s Day is a special day dedicated to all teachers, celebrates every year on 5th of October to honor the teachers and appreciate their special contributions towards education.
The role of teachers in everyone’s life is great as they are the only visual source of knowledge for their students.
As we all know that our teachers play a great and most important role in our lives. They helps us to improve our knowledge, skill level, confidence as well as they shape us in the right shape to get success. So, we too have some responsibilities towards our loyal teachers. We all as an obedient student need to do a heartily welcome and say them wishful thanks for their selfless service of teachings all through the life as well as shaping the life of various students. Teacher’s day is the great chance to us to spend a day for them and say thanks.Teachers are the real shapers of the future building blocks of the country means they shape up the students life who are ultimately the future of country.


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