If there’s one organization that has done the most to maintain peace and harmony in the world, it’s United Nations, also known as UN. Since its inception in 1945 UN has been working aggressively towards well-being of human societies worldwide. UN Day is celebrated every year on October 24 to express gratitude towards UN for its good deeds.
UN Day was established in 1948 to raise public awareness about the work it does every year to protect world peace and human rights. Later in 1971 UN also recommended its member states to make UN day an international holiday.
Relations can’t be one-sided, and same is true for the relation of UN and societies as well. When UN contributes to societies in as many ways as it can, societies also celebrate its birthday with as much enthusiasm as they can. In many countries schoolchildren dress up in the dresses of different nations and organize cultural programs to celebrate UN Day. Similar level of interest is seen in other sections of societies as well.

The day sends out a message that despite coming from different social and economical backgrounds we should stand together whenever there’s an opportunity to improve each other’s lives. Despite a plethora of differences and a history of bloodshed, states stand together under the umbrella of UN to maintain global peace and harmony. They also help each other whenever possible, which sets a wonderful precedent before the world.


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